Sunday, 30 November 2014


So maybe all of you already know about Naruto manga's ending, that awesome manga finally come to the end :') I want to tell about Naruto manga this time, it's kinda late I know but it's okay thou' :p

The manga has release the last chapter of Naruto, it's ended in chapter 700. I heard about this early november through the internet (facebook and twitter) inadvertently. To be honest I really love this manga but I'm not following the story for a while. I didn't buy any new Naruto comics for several months so  a little late for me to know the sequel / the story. When I heard about Naruto's ending I became so curious & excited at the same time. I still remember it's one day after my graduation day, Naruto manga finished together with my graduation :'D I immediately searching it on the internet and read the manga. Actually I love reading manga in hardcopy not reading it via online but the hardcopy of the manga of course not release yet in my country (other countries too I think) so I decide to read it via online ( /

The last chapter I read was chapter 597, it's so far until chapter 700, I'm really lagged far Lol. Though so, I continue read every chapter until I finally finished the last chapter yesterday, yatta! I read it since 7/8th November but I just finished it yesterday. Well if you curious why be so long to read it? the answer is I need a time to read it, I read several chapter for 2/3 days but not finish yet. When I'm back to my home there is no internet connection so I can't read the manga until I back to my kost. So, that's why I just read the last chapter yesterday :)

I can say that the last story is superb! awesome and touching too! :') Sasuga Kishimoto sensei! The fighting scene with Madara, Kaguya, Black Zetsu and Sasuke is awesome too! Although it's been quite rambling too but it's still awesome for me to read. Naruto, you inspire me a lot! Yes, you are! I read the manga since in 8th grade until it's finished along with my graduation. There are so many things I can learn through the story of Naruto. It's all about friendship, love, struggle, always optimistic, do not give up so easily and many moreee. Thank you so much Kishimoto Sensei, thank you for your hardwork. Your artwork is really a good one, inspired many people all over the world, not just me :D Keep fighting and create another awesome manga! :D I still remember the first time I knew about Naruto, it was really long time ago when I was in elementary school. I watch the anime on television and was so curious and finally fell in love with the story and the caharacters. I read the manga when I was in 8th grade and starting collecting them since 10/11th grade. I will definetely buy all comics until finish, yes, I will!

Once again, Thank You So Much Kishimoto Sensei! ありがとうございました!岸本先生、お疲れさまでした!

NB: Both Kishimoto Sensei and Eichiro Oda Sensei is a good friends. Oda sensei make a tribute for Naruto's ending in his manga, and Kishimoto Sensei is doing the same thing too as a thank you (see picture above). Oh, almost forget, Kishimoto Sensei will make the continue story of Naruto next year! *o*

Saturday, 29 November 2014


Attend my friend's sidang yesterday. Finally Che, Sasa, Hani did it! Congrats for you all ! :*

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Pasar Seni ITB

Halo !
Oke langsung saja ya, jadi hari minggu kemarin itu saya dan teman-teman pergi ke Bandung untuk refreshing dan yah, semacam kumpul bareng kami berenam (saya dan teman-teman kuliah). Sebelum ke ITB itu kita foto studio dulu di Papyrus Photo, dan disana ternyata cukup menyita waktu banyak karena salah satu dari kami berenam ada yang datang terlambat dan belum lagi menunggu antrian untuk foto yang lumayan lama. Memang sih, berangkat ke Bandungnya saja sekitar jam 10 pagi dan harus rela berdesak-desakan di dalam bus karena hari itu BANYAK sekali mahasiswa / orang-orang yang ingin pergi ke Bandung untuk menghadiri Pasar Seni ITB -__- Trayek bus yang awalnya Elang - Jatinangor seketika berubah menjadi Dipatiukur - Jatinangor karena pak supir yang tak tega melihat banyaknya penumpang yang berjubel dan menunggu lama datangnya bus Damri jurusan Dipatiukur. Cukup tertolong juga sih.. tapi tetap saja di dalam bus saya dan kedua teman saya (3 orang yang lain janji bertemu di Bandung) harus rela berdiri dan berdesak-desakan haha Alhamdulillah :)

Sesampainya di Papyrus dan berfoto-foto ria kami pun berpisah karena tidak semuanya ingin pergi ke Pasar Seni. Saya dan ketiga teman saya akhirnya naik angkot bertiga menuju ITB. Seharian itu saya belum makan sama sekali, sejak pagi saya hanya minum air putih dan sempat makan buah mangga saja. Awalnya saya masih kuat hanya dengan makan itu tapi lama kelamaan namanya juga manusia yang butuh asupan karbohidrat akhirnya saya pun kelaparan. Teman saya yang 2 orang juga belum makan sejak pagi, mereka yang bersama-sama berdesak-desakan di dalam bus pun sore itu sebelum ke ITB sudah mulai kehabisan tenaga. Saya sendiri merasa sangat lemas dan gemetar, maag saya hampir kumat karenanya -_-" (yah, ini memang salah saya sendiri yang tidak menyempatkan diri makan sejak pagi). Akhirnya kami berempat memutuskan untuk membeli makan dulu sebelum pergi ke Pasar Seni.

Kami sempat berjalan kaki karena saat itu jalanan macet dan kami rasa percuma saja jika ingin naik angkot kesana. Sepanjang jalan kami bingung mau makan apa, sempat terpikir beli ini itu tapi rasanya antara mau beli atau tidak. Akhirnya kita memutuskan untuk mampir ke KFC di depan Dago Plaza, sudah terbayang akan makan enak tapi ternyata.. antrian di dalamnya PANJANG sekali -__-" hiks.. Awalnya saya dan teman-teman mencoba bersabar mengantri karena kami sendiri bingung mau makan apa selain di situ, tapi akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk pindah tempat dan makan di kaki lima saja. Saya sebenarnya ingin makan nasi karena saat itu dengan kondisi yang sudah gemetar dan lemas saya takut maag saya kumat jika makan selain nasi. Dua orang teman saya memutuskan untuk membeli bakso, akhirnya saya dan Che pergi ke Dapla berharap ada food court / semacamnya yang menjual nasi. Ternyata eh ternyata.. saya dan teman saya itu tidak tahu kalau di Dapla itu isinya HARDWARE semua -__-" Rasanya saya sudah tidak karu-karuan lagi. Kesal, lapar, gemetar, lemas campur aduk jadi satu. Saya ingin mendorong orang-orang di dalam KFC itu agar saya bisa cepat makan saja rasanya hahaha. Untungnya saya tidak segila itu, saya memutuskan makan mie ayam saja dengan terpaksa. Yah.. saya sudah tidak peduli lagi mau makan nasi / tidak, saya sudah lapar akut saat itu, hanya modal Bismillah saja, berharap semoga tidak ada masalah dengan perut saya haha *Alhamdulillah-nya saya baik-baik saja setelahnya*.

Selesai makan kami langsung pergi ke ITB. Saat itu sudah hampir pukul 5 (kalau tidak salah) dan orang-orang masih ramai berjubel walaupun acaranya sudah hampir selesai. Pasar Seni dijadwalkan hanya sampai jam 6 malam, maka ketika kami kesana suasananya masih ramai namun sebagian sudah mulai menutup lapak standnya. Museum pun sudah tutup, pertunjukkan musik masih berlangsung tapi entah kenapa tidak terlalu menarik perhatian saya dan teman-teman. Setelah berputar-putar kesana kemari kami sudah tidak terlalu mood untuk berlama-lama disitu. Kaki lemas & pegal, kepala pusing.. ingin segera pulang saja saat itu. ITB penuh dengan lautan manusia dan kami kecewa karena karya seni yang bisa kami nikmati hanya beberapa saja berhubung waktu sudah sore. Kami sempat berfoto-foto di beberapa tempat tapi selebihnya kami mondar-mandir tidak jelas. Jujur saja, sebenarnya acara ini ternyata agak jauh dari ekspektasi saya, saya kira saya bisa menikmati banyak karya seni, hiburan dan yah pokoknya bersenang-senang disana. Ternyata kenyataannya tidak :( Yah, memang mungkin karena kami datang pada sore hari saat acara hampir selesai tapi memang rasanya acara ini terkesan 'ruwet' karena banyaknya orang dan acara yang ditumpuk dalam satu hari. Saya dapat info dari teman bahwa ternyata 4 tahun sebelumnya acara ini diselenggarakan selama 3 hari berturut-turut, sementara tahun ini hanya 1 hari saja maka dari itu mungkin kemarin saya merasa acara ini kurang 'greget' dan tidak sesuai ekspektasi. Tapi yah, ini hanya pendapat saya saja, selebihnya saya cukup menikmati waktu saya disana :) Lagipula saya tahu, tidak mudah mempersiapkan sebuah event 4 tahunan seperti Pasar Seni ITB ini. Semua orang tumpah ruah ingin datang ke acara yang hanya diadakan selama 4 tahun sekali maka tak heran kemarin ITB penuh dengan lautan manusia :)

Kami memutuskan pulang pada pukul 17.30 / 17.40, penderitaan belum berakhir sampai disitu. Bus Damri yang hanya beroperasi sampai jam 16.00 tentu tidak bisa kami naiki untuk pulang kembali ke Jatinangor, maka kami memutuskan untuk naik travel shuttle di Baltos (Arnes Shuttle). Sesampainya disana orang-orang sudah berjubel mengantri untuk bisa naik mobil. Saya bertemu teman saya yang lain disana yang mengatakan bahwa dia mendapat antrian nomor 43 dan entah akan menunggu sampai jam berapa. Mendengar itu, saya dan teman-teman sudah malas untuk menunggu, sudah tidak kuat rasanya > < Akhirnya teman saya, Hana, memutuskan untuk menghubungi temannya yang membawa mobil agar kami bisa ikut pulang dengan mobilnya. Sayang, sinyal tidak bersahabat untuk bisa berkomunikasi dengan lancar. Daripada kami terombang-ambing tidak jelas di Baltos akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk naik angkot saja sampai ke Jatinangor. Alhamdulillah, kami sampai dengan selamat hingga bisa tidur nyenyak di kostan masing-masing :D

After all, acaranya cukup menyenangkan. Setidaknya saya bersyukur masih sempat datang kesana setelah 4 tahun yang lalu saya tidak sempat datang sama sekali. Semoga 4 tahun yang akan datang saya masih bisa datang lagi hehe.

His costume & art, awesome!


Another awesome masterpiece !

People, people everywhere

I waaaaant this badly !!

Postcard from Pasar Seni ITB

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Should I Gave This a Tittle? :p

Hello everyone ! (everyone? who? does your blog have a reader? Lol). I'm in my hometown for 5 days now. Nothing to do in my kost since I graduate already so I decide to go home. Aah job, can someone interview me and give me a job? hahaha kidding. I'm enjoy my free time for now, sleep, watch tv, watch movie with my brother & sister, eat a lot of my mom's cuisine, hangout with friends and read a lot of books. The only thing that I can't do now is accsess internet because I didn't bring my laptop and no internet connection in my home haha. I can't open my LINE too beacuse my smartphone is damaged so I can't use it. My smartphone its error for almost 2 month now :( well, that phone is error since early 2014 but I fixed it and now it's error again.. *sigh*. I bet I miss a lot of info because of that >< For now I just use my Nokia phone (it's only for messaging and calling). I open my LINE on my laptop now but yea, I didn't bring it so I can't accsess it at all. 

Aah, I want a holiday. I want to go to Karimun Jawa ! I want to relax with my friend before I walkin to the 'real world' xD I hope I ca go there :)

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Lookin for.. What?

So it's been a moment after my graduation day. Yes, I'm happy, yes, I'm very grateful but now it's time for me to feel 'the real world'. "Wecome to the jungle!" maybe that's the sentence for me now haha. Actually if someone asked me about what type of job I'm looking for I just can't answer that.. seriously.. I don't have any idea at all. I know for now I should looking for any job even it don't fit with my passion because find a job is really hard nowadays, besides I can choose another job after that. In other words, for this time any job is okay until I can find another job I want. Nevertheless, looking for a job is not easy thou', what I can do now is apply a CV to every company and join a job fair (go to job fair is a new hobby now Lol). Just do my best and keep pray to Allah is what I can do, wish me luck too guys :)

Let's change the topic now hehe. So, yesterday before I return the toga to campus I decide to take a pict first xD The theme is Graduation Day The Male Version of Me Lol. Nothing to do in my kost (you know I'm unemployment girl now) so I make a 'photo session' (read: selfie) with my toga :p

Saturday, 8 November 2014

卒業式 !

Hello all !! I'm so so so happppyyyyy because yesterday finally I'm officialy graduate from my college, yay ! Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah :') On wednesday, 5th November I went to Dipatiukur attend my friend's graduation, Irun, etc was graduate on that day while me is in the next day. I gave my C クラス fellas some flowers and dolls. I make the toga cap by myself for the doll (I bought the doll) and make a greeting cards too. So glad they like it hehe.

PS: This is gonna be a long post and full of photos so I hope you guys don't mind :p

Dolls and flowers for my friends

C クラスたち

2010 !

And here it is, in the next day I'm ready for my gradution day :) After prepare for anything finally it's time for me to became one day queen Lol. The make up artist who make up my face and my friend makes me looks pretty hahahaha. So happy many people have nice comment about me and my make up. They said that I look pretty on that day hehehe Alhamdulillah. Maybe because I always looks boyish on my daily life so when I put make up on my face and got dress up everybody was so surprise xD

My family came to my gradution too (of course). My dad, mom , brother and sister came to Bandung all the way from Cirebon, soooo happy ! Mom and dad, here it is I present you my graduation, thank you for everything, for the support, pray and love to me, thank you ! :') Inul, Anton, etc came to my graduation and bring their toga too (they graduate on previous day like I said before) so they can take a picture with me and others while using toga hahaha. Thank you for everyone who has come to my graduation day yesterday, thanks for the greetings, pray and all the gift you all gave to me, I'm so happy, really :'D

My sis and my bro ~

My family (my brother is the one who take this photo haha)

M besties (minus Che & Irun) :*

Another besties :*

Faculty of Geology, they are so awesome! They are push up together with the alumni

With Pena Budaya crew, thank you all !

We are like Gryffindor students in Harry Potter Lol

2010 ~

C クラス

All gift I got

Balloon form Anton and fake flower in the left is from Cherril, my BFF. She make it by herself and I loveee it !

Red rose & greeting cards from Nana, thank you ~

From Pena Budaya crew, thank you!

Teddy Bear from my brother

Inul gave me this balloon haha

Pin from Himade and handmade bracelet from Niyar, my BFF. I loveeee it !
For this time I would like to say thank you to my brother because he is the one who take almost all photos on my graduation day Lol xD I love yaaa :p