Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Something About Politics

Politics, a word that actually I don't like it. I rarely use this word even talking about this with people whether with friends or family but in this entry I want to write my opinion about politics. I don't know exactly since when I do not like all about politics. maybe it because I often hear so many bad news about that so I became dislike this thing. AIthough I'm not an expert in this field but I think politics is full of lies and sometimes (or always?) cruel. those people in the political world is full of lies, acting like nice people, they are such an good actor. They were laughing behind their mask. fool other people. I know maybe not all politicians like that but those politicians with bad attitude has ruined everything about politics world. that's why people like me became hate those kind of things in their life.
Lucky me when the presidential election was held 4 years ago I didn't came to voting because I'm not old enough for elections :p. but yes, I must vote for this time. Elections will be held next month and this is my first elections in my life haha. to be honest, in the begining I didn't want to vote for this elections (all elections for more precisely :p) but as time goes by the more I realized that this was not a good decision. I heard so many news about how important our 'voice' is in the elections. Golput (Golongan Putih / abstensions) is NOT good idea at all. How I hate politics in real life but I know that I must vote in the elections. so yes, I will be vote in next month elections. I hope Indonesia have a better future, better president, better in all aspects. No more 'fake' politicians. Amin.

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