Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Its a Nice Day

       Here it is, some pict from PLASTIK (Perjalanan Jurnalistik) last saturday. It was a niceeee day for me. many things that I got from this event :)
Rumah Bunga Rizal is a nice place, the owner is awesome! he (Rizal Djaafarel) is like a motivator when giving an adivice for we to become an entrepreneur. he said that tips for us who want to be an entrepeneur is "5S", Senyum (smile), Sambut (welcome), Sapa (greeting), Sampaikan keunggulan produk (convey our customer the benefit of the product) and the last is Sisakan waktu untuk mengucapkan terima kasih (reserving time for sayin thank you to the customer). many people has forgot about this "5S" when they got success whereas it's very important to makes customer feel happy & statisfied with our service.
      Have a discussion with Boni Rambatan too about his novel based on Youtube serial, Cosplay The Series. Cosplay is not just a hobby / some people call the cosplayer "alay" actually they have many skills such as sewing their own custume, make a theatrical performance, and make a film too.
       After go to Rumah Bunga Rizal, we got a voucher to buy a books in Gramedia Istana Plaza, so we go to there. when we are busy selecting books to buy suddenly the Gramedia crew gave a perform to us, its a flash mob! even me and other medfo member who become a crew for this event didn't know about this. of course this flash mob became a limelight. everyone dance together inside the books store xD


This is a clock? well, I love it !

Quiz from Gramedia. tryin to say "kepala digaruk kelapa diparut" for a several times xD

Give a cactus for the person who can answer his question

Discussion with Boni Rambatan


With Rizal Djaafarer

Ask for a sign

with Boni Rambatan

Crazy kaichou xD kidding

Flash mob!


Gangnam style!

Bought a cactus hehe

All stuff I got, sooo happy :)