Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Goes To UI

Its time to posting some picts when I went to UI on 20 October. it was a nice trip with Himade member :)
friendly welcome from Himaja UI when we're come at their univ. did a presentation of each other about Himade & Himaja. And finally we're go to Kota Tua in the night.


Sleep & sleep

souvenirs for Himaja UI

Kaichou Himaja & Himade

K-On performance

Trip to FIB UI

Ahaha duo maut bendahara!

Thanks to Adi for the pict :)

Monday, 22 October 2012

End Of September

Did a photoshoot with my college friend when 30 sept. nothin to do in sunday and yeah, we take some photos in my kost.
we're narcist, got a problem with that? LOL

Yes, I know.. Im fat & short, problem? :p

Friday, 19 October 2012

Ready To Go

Preparing my stuff & snack for tomorrow, I will go to UI for 'study banding' with Hima member :)
so yeah, wish me have a enjoy trip kay? xD
by the way, recently I fall in love with Exile, boyband from Japan. first time I heard their song is when I was watching TV,  NHK World. I love Bow & Arrows song :3

Today's Quote

"Seni telah melampaui status sosial dan menghubungkan hati semua orang, itu bagaikan keajaiban" - Michisato (Chotto Edo Made)

"Art has surpassed the social status and connect the hearts of all people, it was like a miracle "-Michisato (Chotto Edo Made)

Monday, 15 October 2012

Red Apple

Jus some picts with red shirt & jacket :D 
nohtin to do in the midnight, and my honyaku task is not finished yet. gettin frustated and yeah, I write on my blog now LOL

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Upgrading Time ~

As my promise before, I will post some pict when I joined up grading in Pangjugjugan, Sumedang.