Monday, 31 October 2011

End Of October

Okay, so this is the last posting in this month, November will come tomorrow. Welcome November! :)
The first, big condolance for my friend's father who already passed away yesterday. Hope his spirit is accepted in the sight of Allah SWT, Amin..
Keep spirit and moves on my friend! ^^

Sunday, 23 October 2011

R.I.P Marco Simoncelli

Deep condolence for the death of Marco Simoncelli today.
although Im not his fans but I think he is a great rider on Moto GP.

Pict: google

Pict: google

He died during the race at the Sepang circuit, Malaysia
He fell down with his motorcycle when turn on the circuit, and then hit Collin Edwards & Valentino Rossi.
Collin have serious injury on his shoulder, meanwhile Valentino Rossi is fine and doesnt have any injury.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Gray Lenses

I want to buy this softlens soon ehehe :3
but I have to save my money first! yosh!

want to buy the gray one ^^

Monday, 17 October 2011

Helloooooow !

Ahahaha finally I write on my blog again, yay!
Mabim is finished now and Im free again! xDDD
aah, UTS come! OMG OMG! I must study hard for this :P
wish me luck kay? ~

ps: I'll post of FGD pict soon. must wait pict from pubdok first aaah -,-

My shoes after FGD, yea.. its soooo dirty & full of mud
(I Haven't wash my shoes until now LOL)

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Fun Saturday

Yesterday is fun saturday! Me and my friends explore the campus for orientasi medan (field orientation) for FGD on 8th oct 2011. We do lots of things and finally we had lunch together at RM Haryanti.
Kalpataru warning sign
I didnt realize before that Kalpataru is very poisoning! O.o

Take a pict first xD
There are dies natalies psychology faculty on Bale Santika,
so the toilet become sooo clean and have nice fragrant Lol

Front of Fikom

My face is creepy Lol
Autumn? xDD
btw its my friends hand on the left

Feels like autumn season haha